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6. Complete Example and Generate OpenApi 2.0 spec

To generate an OpenAPI v2 (Swagger) specification from the service definition, run the following command inside of the project folder:

tsp compile . --emit @azure-tools/typespec-autorest

This will create a file in the tsp-output subfolder called openapi.json.

You can learn more about the typespec-autorest emitter and its options by reading its

A Complete Example

Here’s a complete example main.tsp file based on all of the snippets in this README:

import "@typespec/rest";
import "@typespec/versioning";
import "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core";
import "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-resource-manager";
using TypeSpec.Http;
using TypeSpec.Rest;
using TypeSpec.Versioning;
using Azure.Core;
using Azure.ResourceManager;
/** Contoso Resource Provider management API */
@service(#{ title: "ContosoProviderHubClient", version: "2021-01-01-preview" })
namespace Microsoft.ContosoProviderHub;
interface Operations extends Azure.ResourceManager.Operations {}
union ProvisioningState {
/** The resource is being provisioned. */
Provisioning: "Provisioning",
/** The resource is being updated. */
Updating: "Updating",
/** The resource is being deleted. */
Deleting: "Deleting",
/** The resource provisioning request has been accepted. */
Accepted: "Accepted",
/** The properties of User Resource */
model UserProperties {
/** The user's full name */
fullName: string;
/** The user's email address */
emailAddress: string;
/** The status of the last operation */
provisioningState?: ProvisioningState;
/** A User Resource */
model User is TrackedResource<UserProperties> {
/** Address name */
name: string;
/** The details of a user notification */
model NotificationDetails {
/** The notification message */
message: string;
/** If true, the notification is urgent */
urgent: boolean;
interface Users {
get is ArmResourceRead<User>;
create is ArmResourceCreateOrReplaceAsync<User>;
update is ArmResourcePatchSync<User, UserProperties>;
delete is ArmResourceDeleteSync<User>;
listByResourceGroup is ArmResourceListByParent<User>;
listBySubscription is ArmListBySubscription<User>;
/** Send a notification to the user */
NotifyUser is ArmResourceActionNoContentSync<User, NotificationDetails>;
/** An address resource belonging to a user resource */
model AddressResource is ProxyResource<AddressResourceProperties> {
...ResourceNameParameter<AddressResource, KeyName = "addressName", SegmentName = "addresses">;
/** The properties of AddressResource */
model AddressResourceProperties {
/** The street address */
streetAddress: string;
/** The city of the address */
city: string;
/** The state of the address */
state: string;
/** The zip code of the address */
zip: int32;
/** The status of the last operation */
provisioningState?: ProvisioningState;
interface Addresses {
get is ArmResourceRead<AddressResource>;
create is ArmResourceCreateOrReplaceSync<AddressResource>;
update is ArmResourcePatchSync<AddressResource, AddressResourceProperties>;
delete is ArmResourceDeleteSync<AddressResource>;
listByParent is ArmResourceListByParent<AddressResource>;
checkGlobalName is checkGlobalNameAvailability;