Data types
model Azure.ResourceManager.ArmAcceptedLroResponse<Description, LroHeaders>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Description | The description of the response status (defaults to Resource operation accepted ) |
LroHeaders | Optional. The lro headers that appear in the Accepted response |
Name | Type | Description |
statusCode | 202 | The status code. |
model Azure.ResourceManager.ArmAcceptedResponse<Message, ExtraHeaders>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Message | The description of the response status (defaults to Resource operation accepted ) |
ExtraHeaders | Additional headers in the response. Default includes Retry-After header |
Name | Type | Description |
statusCode | 202 | The status code. |
The standard header for asynchronous operation polling
model Azure.ResourceManager.ArmAsyncOperationHeader<StatusMonitor, UrlValue, FinalResult>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
StatusMonitor | The status monitor type for lro polling |
UrlValue | The value type of the Azure-AsyncOperation header |
FinalResult | The logical final result of the operation |
Name | Type | Description |
azureAsyncOperation? | UrlValue | A link to the status monitor |
Provide Both Azure-AsyncOperation and Location headers
model Azure.ResourceManager.ArmCombinedLroHeaders<StatusMonitor, FinalResult, PollingUrlValue, FinalUrlValue>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
StatusMonitor | The type of the polling StatusMonitor when following the Azure-AsyncOperation url |
FinalResult | The type of the logical result when following the location header |
PollingUrlValue | The value type of the link to the status monitor |
FinalUrlValue | The value type fo the link to the final result |
Name | Type | Description |
azureAsyncOperation? | PollingUrlValue | A link to the status monitor |
location? | FinalUrlValue | The Location header contains the URL where the status of the long running operation can be checked. |
The Azure Resource Manager 201 response for a resource
model Azure.ResourceManager.ArmCreatedResponse<ResponseBody, ExtraHeaders>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
ResponseBody | The contents of the response body |
ExtraHeaders | Additional headers in the response. Default includes Retry-After header |
Name | Type | Description |
statusCode | 201 | The status code. |
body | ResponseBody |
model Azure.ResourceManager.ArmDeleteAcceptedLroResponse<LroHeaders>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
LroHeaders | Optional. Allows overriding the Lro headers returned in the response. |
Name | Type | Description |
statusCode | 202 | The status code. |
model Azure.ResourceManager.ArmDeleteAcceptedResponse
Name | Type | Description |
statusCode | 202 | The status code. |
retryAfter? | int32 | The Retry-After header can indicate how long the client should wait before polling the operation status. |
model Azure.ResourceManager.ArmDeletedNoContentResponse
Name | Type | Description |
statusCode | 204 | The status code. |
The response for synchronous delete of a resource
model Azure.ResourceManager.ArmDeletedResponse
Name | Type | Description |
statusCode | 200 | The status code. |
Template for ARM location resources. Use the parameter to specify
model Azure.ResourceManager.ArmLocationResource<BaseType>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
BaseType |
Name | Type | Description |
location | Core.azureLocation | The name of the Azure region. |
The default header for lro PUT and DELETE polling
model Azure.ResourceManager.ArmLroLocationHeader<LroPollingOptions, FinalResult, UrlValue>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
LroPollingOptions | The polling options when polling the url in the location header |
FinalResult | The ultimate final result of the logical operation |
UrlValue | The value type for the location header |
Name | Type | Description |
location? | UrlValue | The Location header contains the URL where the status of the long running operation can be checked. |
Standard Azure Resource Manager NoContent (204) response
model Azure.ResourceManager.ArmNoContentResponse<Message>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Message | The description of the response status (defaults to Operation completed successfully ) |
Name | Type | Description |
statusCode | 204 | The status code. |
Standard Azure Resource Manager operation status response
model Azure.ResourceManager.ArmOperationStatus<Properties, StatusValues>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Properties | Optional resource-specific properties |
StatusValues | The set of allowed values for operation status |
Name | Type | Description |
properties? | Properties | RP-specific properties for the operationStatus resource, only appears when operation ended with Succeeded status |
status | StatusValues | The operation status |
id | string | The unique identifier for the operationStatus resource |
name? | string | The name of the operationStatus resource |
startTime? | utcDateTime | Operation start time |
endTime? | utcDateTime | Operation complete time |
percentComplete? | float64 | The progress made toward completing the operation |
error? | ErrorDetail | Errors that occurred if the operation ended with Canceled or Failed status |
model Azure.ResourceManager.ArmResourceCreatedResponse<Resource, LroHeaders>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Resource | The resource being updated |
LroHeaders | Optional. The lro headers returned with a Created response |
Name | Type | Description |
statusCode | 201 | The status code. |
body | Resource |
model Azure.ResourceManager.ArmResourceCreatedSyncResponse<Resource>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Resource | The resource being updated |
Name | Type | Description |
statusCode | 201 | The status code. |
body | Resource |
model Azure.ResourceManager.ArmResourceExistsResponse
Name | Type | Description |
statusCode | 204 | The status code. |
model Azure.ResourceManager.ArmResourceNotFoundResponse
Name | Type | Description |
statusCode | 404 | The status code. |
model Azure.ResourceManager.ArmResourceUpdatedResponse<Resource>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Resource | The resource being updated |
Name | Type | Description |
statusCode | 200 | The status code. |
body | Resource |
The Azure Resource Manager synchronous OK response
model Azure.ResourceManager.ArmResponse<ResponseBody>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
ResponseBody | The contents of the response body |
Name | Type | Description |
statusCode | 200 | The status code. |
body | ResponseBody |
Model representing the standard zones
envelope property for a resource.
Spread this model into a resource Model if the resource supports ARM zones
model Azure.ResourceManager.AvailabilityZonesProperty
model Foo is TrackedResource<FooProperties> { ...AvailabilityZonesProperty;}
Name | Type | Description |
zones? | string[] | The availability zones. |
Standard resource provisioning state model. If you do not have any custom provisioning state, you can spread this model directly into your resource property model.
model Azure.ResourceManager.DefaultProvisioningStateProperty
model FooProperties { // Only have standard Succeeded, Failed, Cancelled states ...DefaultProvisioningStateProperty;}
Name | Type | Description |
provisioningState? | ResourceProvisioningState | The provisioning state of the resource. |
Model used only to spread in the encryption
envelope property for a resource.
All encryption configuration for a resource.
model Azure.ResourceManager.EncryptionProperty
model Foo is TrackedResource<FooProperties> { ...Encryption;}
Name | Type | Description |
encryption | Encryption | All encryption configuration for a resource. |
Model used only to spread in the standard eTag
envelope property for a resource
model Azure.ResourceManager.EntityTagProperty
model Foo is TrackedResource<FooProperties> { // Only have standard Succeeded, Failed, Cancelled states ...EntityTagProperty;}
Name | Type | Description |
eTag? | string | If eTag is provided in the response body, it may also be provided as a header per the normal etag convention. Entity tags are used for comparing two or more entities from the same requested resource. HTTP/1.1 uses entity tags in the etag (section 14.19), If-Match (section 14.24), If-None-Match (section 14.26), and If-Range (section 14.27) header fields. |
Model representing the standard extendedLocation
envelope property for a resource.
Spread this model into a Resource Model, if the resource supports extended locations
model Azure.ResourceManager.ExtendedLocationProperty
model Employee is TrackedResource<EmployeeProperties> { ...ResourceNameParameter<Employee>; ...ExtendedLocationProperty;}
Name | Type | Description |
extendedLocation? | ExtendedLocation |
Concrete extension resource types can be created by aliasing this type using a specific property type.
See more details on different Azure Resource Manager resource type here.
model Azure.ResourceManager.ExtensionResource<Properties, PropertiesOptional>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Properties | A model containing the provider-specific properties for this resource |
PropertiesOptional | A boolean flag indicating whether the resource Properties field is marked as optional or required. Default true is optional and recommended. |
Name | Type | Description |
properties? | Properties |
Extracts the key (path) parameters from a resource and its parents
model Azure.ResourceManager.KeysOf<Resource>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Resource | The resource to extract properties from |
DEPRECATED - DO NOT USE The default location parameter type.
model Azure.ResourceManager.LocationParameter
Name | Type | Description |
location | string | The location name. |
Model representing the standard managedBy
envelope property for a resource.
Spread this model into a resource model if the resource is managed by another entity.
model Azure.ResourceManager.ManagedByProperty
model Foo is TrackedResource<FooProperties> { // Only have standard Succeeded, Failed, Cancelled states ...ManagedByProperty;}
Name | Type | Description |
managedBy? | string | The fully qualified resource ID of the resource that manages this resource. Indicates if this resource is managed by another Azure resource. If this is present, complete mode deployment will not delete the resource if it is removed from the template since it is managed by another resource. |
Model representing the standard ManagedServiceIdentity
envelope property for a resource.
Spread this model into a resource model if the resource supports both system-assigned and user-assigned managed identities.
model Azure.ResourceManager.ManagedServiceIdentityProperty
model Foo is TrackedResource<FooProperties> { ...ResourceNameParameter<Foo>; ...ManagedServiceIdentityProperty;}
Name | Type | Description |
identity? | ManagedServiceIdentity | The managed service identities assigned to this resource. |
Model representing the standard SystemAssignedServiceIdentity
envelope property for a resource.
Spread this model into a resource model if the resource supports system-assigned managed identities
but does not support user-assigned managed identities.
model Azure.ResourceManager.ManagedSystemAssignedIdentityProperty
model Foo is TrackedResource<FooProperties> { ...ResourceNameParameter<Foo>; ...ManagedSystemAssignedIdentityProperty;}
Name | Type | Description |
identity? | SystemAssignedServiceIdentity | The managed service identities assigned to this resource. |
Extracts the key (path) parameters from the parent(s) of the given resource
model Azure.ResourceManager.ParentKeysOf<Resource>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Resource | The resource to extract properties from |
Model describing the provider namespace.
model Azure.ResourceManager.ProviderNamespace<Resource>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Resource | The resource provided by the namespace. |
Name | Type | Description |
provider | "Microsoft.ThisWillBeReplaced" |
Concrete proxy resource types can be created by aliasing this type using a specific property type.
See more details on different Azure Resource Manager resource type here.
model Azure.ResourceManager.ProxyResource<Properties, PropertiesOptional>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Properties | A model containing the provider-specific properties for this resource |
PropertiesOptional | A boolean flag indicating whether the resource Properties field is marked as optional or required. Default true is optional and recommended. |
Name | Type | Description |
properties? | Properties |
The location resource for resourceGroup-based locations. This can be used as a parent resource for resource types that are homed in a resourceGroup-based location.
model Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceGroupLocationResource
Name | Type | Description |
location | Core.azureLocation | The name of the Azure region. |
The dynamic parameters of a resource instance - pass in the proper base type to indicate where the resource is based. The default is in a resource group
model Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceInstanceParameters<Resource, BaseParameters>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Resource | The resource to get parameters for |
BaseParameters | The parameters representing the base Uri of the resource |
Name | Type | Description |
provider | "Microsoft.ThisWillBeReplaced" |
Model representing the standard kind
envelope property for a resource.
Spread this model into a resource model if the resource support ARM kind
model Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceKindProperty
model Foo is TrackedResource<FooProperties> { // Only have standard Succeeded, Failed, Cancelled states ...ResourceKindProperty;}
Name | Type | Description |
kind? | string | Metadata used by portal/tooling/etc to render different UX experiences for resources of the same type; e.g. ApiApps are a kind of Microsoft.Web/sites type. If supported, the resource provider must validate and persist this value. |
Paged response containing results
model Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceListCustomResult<Result>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Result | The type of the values returned in the paged response |
Name | Type | Description |
value | Array<Element> | The items on this page |
nextLink? | string | The link to the next page of items |
Paged response containing resources
model Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceListResult<Resource>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Resource | The type of the values returned in the paged response (must be a resource) |
Name | Type | Description |
value | Array<Element> | |
nextLink? | TypeSpec.Rest.ResourceLocation |
Spread this model into ARM resource models to specify resource name parameter for its operations. If Resource
is specified, the resource name will be properly camel cased and pluralized for @key
and @segment
automatically. You can also apply explicit override with KeyName
and SegmentName
template parameters.
For additional decorators such as
model Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceNameParameter<Resource, KeyName, SegmentName, NamePattern, Type>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Resource | The ARM resource this name parameter is applying to. |
KeyName | Override default key name of the resource. |
SegmentName | Override default segment name of the resource. |
NamePattern | The RegEx pattern of the name. Default is ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{3,24}$ . |
Type | The type of the name property. Default type is string. However you can pass an union with string values. |
Name | Type | Description |
name | Type |
The dynamic parameters of a list call for a resource instance - pass in the proper base type to indicate where the list should take place. The default is in a resource group
model Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceParentParameters<Resource, BaseParameters>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Resource | The resource to get parameters for |
BaseParameters | The parameters representing the base Uri of the resource |
Name | Type | Description |
provider | "Microsoft.ThisWillBeReplaced" |
Model representing the standard plan
envelope property for a resource.
Spread this model into a resource Model if the resource supports ARM plan
model Azure.ResourceManager.ResourcePlanProperty
model Foo is TrackedResource<FooProperties> { // Only have standard Succeeded, Failed, Cancelled states ...ResourcePlanProperty;}
Name | Type | Description |
plan? | Plan | Details of the resource plan. |
Model representing the standard sku
envelope property for a resource.
Spread this model into a resource model if the resource supports standard ARM sku
model Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceSkuProperty
model Foo is TrackedResource<FooProperties> { // Only have standard Succeeded, Failed, Cancelled states ...ResourceSkuProperty;}
Name | Type | Description |
sku? | Sku | The SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) assigned to this resource. |
The default resourceUri parameter type.
model Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceUriParameter
Name | Type | Description |
resourceUri | string | The fully qualified Azure Resource manager identifier of the resource. |
Template used by ArmProviderAction templates.
model Azure.ResourceManager.SubscriptionActionScope
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | Symbolic name of scope |
The location resource for subscription-based locations. This can be used as a parent resource for resource types that are homed in a subscription-based location.
model Azure.ResourceManager.SubscriptionLocationResource
Name | Type | Description |
location | Core.azureLocation | The name of the Azure region. |
Template used by ArmTenantAction templates.
model Azure.ResourceManager.TenantActionScope
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | Symbolic name of scope |
The location resource for tenant-based locations. This can be used as a parent resource for resource types that are homed in a tenant-based location.
model Azure.ResourceManager.TenantLocationResource
Name | Type | Description |
location | Core.azureLocation | The name of the Azure region. |
Concrete tracked resource types can be created by aliasing this type using a specific property type.
See more details on different Azure Resource Manager resource type here.
model Azure.ResourceManager.TrackedResource<Properties, PropertiesOptional>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Properties | A model containing the provider-specific properties for this resource |
PropertiesOptional | A boolean flag indicating whether the resource Properties field is marked as optional or required. Default true is optional and recommended. |
Name | Type | Description |
properties? | Properties |
Supported versions of Azure.ResourceManager building blocks.
enum Azure.ResourceManager.Versions
Name | Value | Description |
v1_0_Preview_1 | "1.0-preview.1" | Version 1.0-preview.1 |
Standard terminal provisioning state of resource type. You can include in your custom provision state to avoid duplication and ensure consistency
union Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceProvisioningState
union FooProvisioningState { ResourceProvisioningState, // include standard provisioning states starting: "starting", started: "started", stopping: "stopping", stopped: "stopped",}
Access rule in a network security perimeter configuration profile
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.AccessRule
Name | Type | Description |
name? | string | Name of the access rule |
properties? | AccessRuleProperties |
Properties of Access Rule
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.AccessRuleProperties
Name | Type | Description |
direction? | AccessRuleDirection | |
addressPrefixes? | string[] | Address prefixes in the CIDR format for inbound rules |
subscriptions? | ResourceManager.CommonTypes.{ id: Core.armResourceIdentifier }[] | Subscriptions for inbound rules |
networkSecurityPerimeters? | ResourceManager.CommonTypes.NetworkSecurityPerimeter[] | Network security perimeters for inbound rules |
fullyQualifiedDomainNames? | string[] | Fully qualified domain names (FQDN) for outbound rules |
emailAddresses? | string[] | Email addresses for outbound rules |
phoneNumbers? | string[] | Phone numbers for outbound rules |
The default api-version parameter type.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ApiVersionParameter
Name | Type | Description |
apiVersion | string | The API version to use for this operation. |
The resource model definition for an Azure Resource Manager resource with an etag.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.AzureEntityResource
Name | Type | Description |
etag? | string | Resource Etag. |
The check availability request body.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.CheckNameAvailabilityRequest
Name | Type | Description |
name? | string | The name of the resource for which availability needs to be checked. |
type? | string | The resource type. |
The check availability result.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.CheckNameAvailabilityResponse
Name | Type | Description |
nameAvailable? | boolean | Indicates if the resource name is available. |
reason? | CheckNameAvailabilityReason | The reason why the given name is not available. |
message? | string | Detailed reason why the given name is not available. |
Customer-managed key encryption properties for the resource.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.CustomerManagedKeyEncryption
Name | Type | Description |
keyEncryptionKeyIdentity? | KeyEncryptionKeyIdentity | All identity configuration for Customer-managed key settings defining which identity should be used to auth to Key Vault. |
keyEncryptionKeyUrl? | string | key encryption key Url, versioned or non-versioned. Ex: or |
Delegated resource properties - internal use only.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.DelegatedResource
Name | Type | Description |
resourceId? | string | The ARM resource id of the delegated resource - internal use only. |
tenantId? | Core.uuid | The tenant id of the delegated resource - internal use only. |
referralResource? | string | The delegation id of the referral delegation (optional) - internal use only. |
location? | string | The source resource location - internal use only. |
The set of delegated resources. The delegated resources dictionary keys will be source resource internal ids - internal use only.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.DelegatedResources
Name | Type | Description |
DelegatedResource | Additional properties |
(Optional) Discouraged to include in resource definition. Only needed where it is possible to disable platform (AKA infrastructure) encryption. Azure SQL TDE is an example of this. Values are enabled and disabled.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.Encryption
Name | Type | Description |
infrastructureEncryption? | InfrastructureEncryption | Values are enabled and disabled. |
customerManagedKeyEncryption? | CustomerManagedKeyEncryption | All Customer-managed key encryption properties for the resource. |
Configuration of key for data encryption
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.EncryptionProperties
Name | Type | Description |
status? | EncryptionStatus | Indicates whether or not the encryption is enabled for container registry. |
keyVaultProperties? | KeyVaultProperties | Key vault properties. |
The resource management error additional info.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ErrorAdditionalInfo
Name | Type | Description |
type? | string | The additional info type. |
info? | {} | The additional info. |
The error detail.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ErrorDetail
Name | Type | Description |
code? | string | The error code. |
message? | string | The error message. |
target? | string | The error target. |
details? | ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ErrorDetail[] | The error details. |
additionalInfo? | ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ErrorAdditionalInfo[] | The error additional info. |
Common error response for all Azure Resource Manager APIs to return error details for failed operations.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ErrorResponse
Name | Type | Description |
error? | ErrorDetail | The error object. |
The complex type of the extended location.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ExtendedLocation
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the extended location. |
type | ExtendedLocationType | The type of the extended location. |
The base extension resource.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ExtensionResource
Identity for the resource.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.Identity
Name | Type | Description |
principalId? | Core.uuid | The principal ID of resource identity. The value must be an UUID. |
tenantId? | Core.uuid | The tenant ID of resource. The value must be an UUID. |
type? | ResourceIdentityType | The identity type. |
The default ARM If-Match header type.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.IfMatchHeader
Name | Type | Description |
ifMatch | string | The If-Match header that makes a request conditional. |
The default ARM If-None-Match header type.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.IfNoneMatchHeader
Name | Type | Description |
ifNoneMatch | string | The If-None-Match header that makes a request conditional. |
All identity configuration for Customer-managed key settings defining which identity should be used to auth to Key Vault.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.KeyEncryptionKeyIdentity
Name | Type | Description |
identityType? | KeyEncryptionKeyIdentityType | The type of identity to use. Values can be systemAssignedIdentity, userAssignedIdentity, or delegatedResourceIdentity. |
userAssignedIdentityResourceId? | Core.armResourceIdentifier | User assigned identity to use for accessing key encryption key Url. Ex: /subscriptions/fa5fc227-a624-475e-b696-cdd604c735bc/resourceGroups/ |
federatedClientId? | Core.uuid | application client identity to use for accessing key encryption key Url in a different tenant. Ex: f83c6b1b-4d34-47e4-bb34-9d83df58b540 |
delegatedIdentityClientId? | Core.uuid | delegated identity to use for accessing key encryption key Url. Ex: /subscriptions/fa5fc227-a624-475e-b696-cdd604c735bc/resourceGroups/ |
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.KeyVaultProperties
Name | Type | Description |
keyIdentifier? | string | Key vault uri to access the encryption key. |
identity? | string | The client ID of the identity which will be used to access key vault. |
Metadata pertaining to the geographic location of the resource.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.LocationData
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | A canonical name for the geographic or physical location. |
city? | string | The city or locality where the resource is located. |
district? | string | The district, state, or province where the resource is located. |
countryOrRegion? | string | The country or region where the resource is located |
The default location parameter type.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.LocationParameter
Name | Type | Description |
location | string | The name of Azure region. |
The default location parameter type.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.LocationResourceParameter
Name | Type | Description |
location | Core.azureLocation | The name of the Azure region. |
Managed-On-Behalf-Of configuration properties. This configuration exists for the resources where a resource provider manages those resources on behalf of the resource owner.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ManagedOnBehalfOfConfiguration
Name | Type | Description |
moboBrokerResources? | ResourceManager.CommonTypes.MoboBrokerResource[] | Managed-On-Behalf-Of broker resources |
Managed service identity (system assigned and/or user assigned identities)
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ManagedServiceIdentity
Name | Type | Description |
principalId? | Core.uuid | The service principal ID of the system assigned identity. This property will only be provided for a system assigned identity. |
tenantId? | Core.uuid | The tenant ID of the system assigned identity. This property will only be provided for a system assigned identity. |
type | ManagedServiceIdentityType | The type of managed identity assigned to this resource. |
userAssignedIdentities? | Record<ResourceManager.CommonTypes.UserAssignedIdentity | null> | The identities assigned to this resource by the user. |
Managed service identity (system assigned and/or user assigned identities and/or delegated identities) - internal use only.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ManagedServiceIdentityWithDelegation
Name | Type | Description |
delegatedResources? | DelegatedResources |
The default ManagementGroupName parameter type.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ManagementGroupNameParameter
Name | Type | Description |
managementGroupName | string | The name of the management group. The name is case insensitive. |
Managed-On-Behalf-Of broker resource. This resource is created by the Resource Provider to manage some resources on behalf of the user.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.MoboBrokerResource
Name | Type | Description |
id? | Core.armResourceIdentifier | Resource identifier of a Managed-On-Behalf-Of broker resource |
Information about a network security perimeter (NSP)
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.NetworkSecurityPerimeter
Name | Type | Description |
id? | Core.armResourceIdentifier | Fully qualified Azure resource ID of the NSP resource |
perimeterGuid? | Core.uuid | Universal unique ID (UUID) of the network security perimeter |
location? | string | Location of the network security perimeter |
Network security perimeter (NSP) configuration resource
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.NetworkSecurityPerimeterConfiguration
Name | Type | Description |
properties? | NetworkSecurityPerimeterConfigurationProperties |
Result of a list NSP (network security perimeter) configurations request.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.NetworkSecurityPerimeterConfigurationListResult
Name | Type | Description |
value? | ResourceManager.CommonTypes.NetworkSecurityPerimeterConfiguration[] | Array of network security perimeter results. |
nextLink? | url | The link used to get the next page of results. |
The name for a network security perimeter configuration
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.NetworkSecurityPerimeterConfigurationNameParameter
Name | Type | Description |
networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurationName | string | The name for a network security perimeter configuration |
Network security configuration properties.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.NetworkSecurityPerimeterConfigurationProperties
Name | Type | Description |
provisioningState? | NetworkSecurityPerimeterConfigurationProvisioningState | |
provisioningIssues? | ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ProvisioningIssue[] | List of provisioning issues, if any |
networkSecurityPerimeter? | NetworkSecurityPerimeter | |
resourceAssociation? | ResourceAssociation | |
profile? | NetworkSecurityProfile |
Network security perimeter configuration profile
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.NetworkSecurityProfile
Name | Type | Description |
name? | string | Name of the profile |
accessRulesVersion? | int32 | Current access rules version |
accessRules? | ResourceManager.CommonTypes.AccessRule[] | List of Access Rules |
diagnosticSettingsVersion? | int32 | Current diagnostic settings version |
enabledLogCategories? | string[] | List of log categories that are enabled |
Details of a REST API operation, returned from the Resource Provider Operations API
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.Operation
Name | Type | Description |
name? | string | The name of the operation, as per Resource-Based Access Control (RBAC). Examples: “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/write”, “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/capture/action” |
isDataAction? | boolean | Whether the operation applies to data-plane. This is “true” for data-plane operations and “false” for Azure Resource Manager/control-plane operations. |
display? | OperationDisplay | Localized display information for this particular operation. |
origin? | Origin | The intended executor of the operation; as in Resource Based Access Control (RBAC) and audit logs UX. Default value is “user,system” |
actionType? | ActionType | Extensible enum. Indicates the action type. “Internal” refers to actions that are for internal only APIs. |
Localized display information for and operation.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.OperationDisplay
Name | Type | Description |
provider? | string | The localized friendly form of the resource provider name, e.g. “Microsoft Monitoring Insights” or “Microsoft Compute”. |
resource? | string | The localized friendly name of the resource type related to this operation. E.g. “Virtual Machines” or “Job Schedule Collections”. |
operation? | string | The concise, localized friendly name for the operation; suitable for dropdowns. E.g. “Create or Update Virtual Machine”, “Restart Virtual Machine”. |
description? | string | The short, localized friendly description of the operation; suitable for tool tips and detailed views. |
The default operationId parameter type.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.OperationIdParameter
Name | Type | Description |
operationId | string | The ID of an ongoing async operation. |
A list of REST API operations supported by an Azure Resource Provider. It contains an URL link to get the next set of results.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.OperationListResult
Name | Type | Description |
value | ResourceManager.CommonTypes.Operation[] | The Operation items on this page |
nextLink? | TypeSpec.Rest.ResourceLocation | The link to the next page of items |
The current status of an async operation.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.OperationStatusResult
Name | Type | Description |
id? | Core.armResourceIdentifier | Fully qualified ID for the async operation. |
name? | string | Name of the async operation. |
status | string | Operation status. |
percentComplete? | float64 | Percent of the operation that is complete. |
startTime? | utcDateTime | The start time of the operation. |
endTime? | utcDateTime | The end time of the operation. |
operations? | ResourceManager.CommonTypes.OperationStatusResult[] | The operations list. |
error? | ErrorDetail | If present, details of the operation error. |
resourceId? | string | Fully qualified ID of the resource against which the original async operation was started. |
Plan for the resource.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.Plan
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | A user defined name of the 3rd Party Artifact that is being procured. |
publisher | string | The publisher of the 3rd Party Artifact that is being bought. E.g. NewRelic |
product | string | The 3rd Party artifact that is being procured. E.g. NewRelic. Product maps to the OfferID specified for the artifact at the time of Data Market onboarding. |
promotionCode? | string | A publisher provided promotion code as provisioned in Data Market for the said product/artifact. |
version? | string | The version of the desired product/artifact. |
The Private Endpoint resource.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.PrivateEndpoint
Name | Type | Description |
id? | Core.armResourceIdentifier | The resource identifier for private endpoint |
The private endpoint connection resource
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.PrivateEndpointConnection
Name | Type | Description |
properties? | PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties | The private endpoint connection properties |
List of private endpoint connections associated with the specified resource.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.PrivateEndpointConnectionListResult
Name | Type | Description |
value? | ResourceManager.CommonTypes.PrivateEndpointConnection[] | Array of private endpoint connections. |
nextLink? | string | URL to get the next set of operation list results (if there are any). |
List of private endpoint connections associated with the specified resource before version v6.
This model represents the standard PrivateEndpointConnectionResourceListResult
envelope for versions v3, v4, and v5. It has been deprecated for v6 and beyond.
Note: This is only intended for use with versions before v6. Do not use this if you are already on CommonTypes.Version.v6 or beyond.
If you are migrating to v6 or above, use PrivateEndpointConnectionResourceListResult
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.PrivateEndpointConnectionListResultV5
Version: v3,v4,v5
@armResourceOperationsinterface Employees { createConnection is ArmResourceActionAsync< Employee, PrivateEndpointConnection, PrivateEndpointConnectionResourceListResultV5 >;}
Version: v6
@armResourceOperationsinterface Employees { createConnection is ArmResourceActionAsync< Employee, PrivateEndpointConnection, PrivateEndpointConnectionResourceListResult >;}
Name | Type | Description |
value? | ResourceManager.CommonTypes.PrivateEndpointConnection[] | Array of private endpoint connections. |
The name of the private endpoint connection associated with the Azure resource.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.PrivateEndpointConnectionParameter
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the private endpoint connection associated with the Azure resource. |
Properties of the private endpoint connection.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties
Name | Type | Description |
groupIds? | string[] | The group ids for the private endpoint resource. |
privateEndpoint? | PrivateEndpoint | The private endpoint resource. |
privateLinkServiceConnectionState | PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState | A collection of information about the state of the connection between service consumer and provider. |
provisioningState? | PrivateEndpointConnectionProvisioningState | The provisioning state of the private endpoint connection resource. |
A private link resource.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.PrivateLinkResource
Name | Type | Description |
properties? | PrivateLinkResourceProperties | Resource properties. |
A list of private link resources.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.PrivateLinkResourceListResult
Name | Type | Description |
value? | ResourceManager.CommonTypes.PrivateLinkResource[] | Array of private link resources |
nextLink? | string | URL to get the next set of operation list results (if there are any). |
A list of private link resources for versions before v6.
This model represents the standard PrivateLinkResourceListResult
envelope for versions v3, v4, and v5. It has been deprecated for v6 and beyond.
Note: This is only intended for use with versions before v6. Do not use this if you are already on CommonTypes.Version.v6 or beyond.
If you are migrating to v6 or above, use PrivateLinkResourceListResult
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.PrivateLinkResourceListResultV5
Version: v3,v4,v5
@armResourceOperationsinterface Employees { listConnections is ArmResourceActionAsync<Employee, {}, PrivateLinkResourceListResultV5>;}
Version: v6
@armResourceOperationsinterface Employees { listConnections is ArmResourceActionAsync<Employee, {}, PrivateLinkResourceListResult>;}
Name | Type | Description |
value? | ResourceManager.CommonTypes.PrivateLinkResource[] | Array of private link resources |
The name of the private link associated with the Azure resource.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.PrivateLinkResourceParameter<Segment>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Segment | The resource type name for private links (default is privateLinkResources) |
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the private link associated with the Azure resource. |
Properties of a private link resource.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.PrivateLinkResourceProperties
Name | Type | Description |
groupId? | string | The private link resource group id. |
requiredMembers? | string[] | The private link resource required member names. |
requiredZoneNames? | string[] | The private link resource private link DNS zone name. |
A collection of information about the state of the connection between service consumer and provider.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState
Name | Type | Description |
status? | PrivateEndpointServiceConnectionStatus | Indicates whether the connection has been Approved/Rejected/Removed by the owner of the service. |
description? | string | The reason for approval/rejection of the connection. |
actionsRequired? | string | A message indicating if changes on the service provider require any updates on the consumer. |
Describes a provisioning issue for a network security perimeter configuration
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ProvisioningIssue
Name | Type | Description |
name? | string | Name of the issue |
properties? | ProvisioningIssueProperties |
Details of a provisioning issue for a network security perimeter (NSP) configuration. Resource providers should generate separate provisioning issue elements for each separate issue detected, and include a meaningful and distinctive description, as well as any appropriate suggestedResourceIds and suggestedAccessRules
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ProvisioningIssueProperties
Name | Type | Description |
issueType? | IssueType | Type of issue |
severity? | Severity | Severity of the issue. |
description? | string | Description of the issue |
suggestedResourceIds? | Core.armResourceIdentifier[] | Fully qualified resource IDs of suggested resources that can be associated to the network security perimeter (NSP) to remediate the issue. |
suggestedAccessRules? | ResourceManager.CommonTypes.AccessRule[] | Access rules that can be added to the network security profile (NSP) to remediate the issue. |
The resource model definition for a Azure Resource Manager proxy resource. It will not have tags and a location
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ProxyResource
Common fields that are returned in the response for all Azure Resource Manager resources
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.Resource
Name | Type | Description |
id? | Core.armResourceIdentifier | Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} |
name? | string | The name of the resource |
type? | Core.armResourceType | The type of the resource. E.g. “Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines” or “Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts” |
systemData? | SystemData | Azure Resource Manager metadata containing createdBy and modifiedBy information. |
Information about resource association
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ResourceAssociation
Name | Type | Description |
name? | string | Name of the resource association |
accessMode? | ResourceAssociationAccessMode |
The default resource group parameter type.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ResourceGroupNameParameter
Name | Type | Description |
resourceGroupName | string | The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. |
The resource model definition containing the full set of allowed properties for a resource. Except properties bag, there cannot be a top level property outside of this set.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ResourceModelWithAllowedPropertySet
Name | Type | Description |
managedBy? | string | The fully qualified resource ID of the resource that manages this resource. Indicates if this resource is managed by another Azure resource. If this is present, complete mode deployment will not delete the resource if it is removed from the template since it is managed by another resource. |
kind? | string | Metadata used by portal/tooling/etc to render different UX experiences for resources of the same type; e.g. ApiApps are a kind of Microsoft.Web/sites type. If supported, the resource provider must validate and persist this value. |
eTag? | string | The etag field is not required. If it is provided in the response body, it must also be provided as a header per the normal etag convention. Entity tags are used for comparing two or more entities from the same requested resource. HTTP/1.1 uses entity tags in the etag (section 14.19), If-Match (section 14.24), If-None-Match (section 14.26), and If-Range (section 14.27) header fields. |
identity? | ManagedServiceIdentity | |
sku? | Sku | |
plan? | Plan |
The default Scope parameter type.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ScopeParameter
Name | Type | Description |
scope | string | The scope at which the operation is performed. |
The resource model definition representing SKU
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.Sku
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the SKU. Ex - P3. It is typically a letter+number code |
tier? | SkuTier | This field is required to be implemented by the Resource Provider if the service has more than one tier, but is not required on a PUT. |
size? | string | The SKU size. When the name field is the combination of tier and some other value, this would be the standalone code. |
family? | string | If the service has different generations of hardware, for the same SKU, then that can be captured here. |
capacity? | int32 | If the SKU supports scale out/in then the capacity integer should be included. If scale out/in is not possible for the resource this may be omitted. |
The default subscriptionId parameter type.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.SubscriptionIdParameter
Name | Type | Description |
subscriptionId | Core.uuid | The ID of the target subscription. The value must be an UUID. |
Managed service identity (either system assigned, or none)
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.SystemAssignedServiceIdentity
Name | Type | Description |
principalId? | Core.uuid | The service principal ID of the system assigned identity. This property will only be provided for a system assigned identity. |
tenantId? | Core.uuid | The tenant ID of the system assigned identity. This property will only be provided for a system assigned identity. |
type | SystemAssignedServiceIdentityType | The type of managed identity assigned to this resource. |
Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.SystemData
Name | Type | Description |
createdBy? | string | The identity that created the resource. |
createdByType? | createdByType | The type of identity that created the resource. |
createdAt? | utcDateTime | The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). |
lastModifiedBy? | string | The identity that last modified the resource. |
lastModifiedByType? | createdByType | The type of identity that last modified the resource. |
lastModifiedAt? | utcDateTime | The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) |
The default TenantIdParameter type.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.TenantIdParameter
Name | Type | Description |
tenantId | Core.uuid | The Azure tenant ID. This is a GUID-formatted string (e.g. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000) |
The resource model definition for an Azure Resource Manager tracked top level resource which has ‘tags’ and a ‘location’
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.TrackedResource
Name | Type | Description |
tags? | Record<string> | Resource tags. |
location | string | The geo-location where the resource lives |
The set of user assigned identities associated with the resource. The userAssignedIdentities dictionary keys will be ARM resource ids in the form: ‘/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/{identityName}. The dictionary values can be empty objects ({}) in requests.
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.UserAssignedIdentities
Name | Type | Description |
ResourceManager.CommonTypes.UserAssignedIdentity | null | Additional properties |
User assigned identity properties
model Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.UserAssignedIdentity
Name | Type | Description |
principalId? | Core.uuid | The principal ID of the assigned identity. |
clientId? | Core.uuid | The client ID of the assigned identity. |
An internal enum to indicate the resource support for various path types
enum Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ResourceHome
Name | Value | Description |
Tenant | The resource is bound to a tenant | |
Subscription | The resource is bound to a subscription | |
Location | The resource is bound to a location | |
ResourceGroup | The resource is bound to a resource group | |
Extension | The resource is bound to an extension |
The Azure Resource Manager common-types versions.
enum Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.Versions
Name | Value | Description |
v3 | The Azure Resource Manager v3 common types. | |
v4 | The Azure Resource Manager v4 common types. | |
v5 | The Azure Resource Manager v5 common types. | |
v6 | The Azure Resource Manager v6 common types. |
Direction of Access Rule
union Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.AccessRuleDirection
Extensible enum. Indicates the action type. “Internal” refers to actions that are for internal only APIs.
union Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ActionType
Possible reasons for a name not being available.
union Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.CheckNameAvailabilityReason
The kind of entity that created the resource.
union Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.createdByType
Indicates whether or not the encryption is enabled for container registry.
union Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.EncryptionStatus
The supported ExtendedLocation types.
union Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ExtendedLocationType
(Optional) Discouraged to include in resource definition. Only needed where it is possible to disable platform (AKA infrastructure) encryption. Azure SQL TDE is an example of this. Values are enabled and disabled.
union Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.InfrastructureEncryption
Type of issue
union Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.IssueType
The type of identity to use.
union Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.KeyEncryptionKeyIdentityType
Type of managed service identity (where both SystemAssigned and UserAssigned types are allowed).
union Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ManagedServiceIdentityType
Provisioning state of a network security perimeter configuration that is being created or updated.
union Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.NetworkSecurityPerimeterConfigurationProvisioningState
The intended executor of the operation; as in Resource Based Access Control (RBAC) and audit logs UX. Default value is “user,system”
union Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.Origin
The current provisioning state.
union Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.PrivateEndpointConnectionProvisioningState
The private endpoint connection status.
union Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.PrivateEndpointServiceConnectionStatus
Allow, disallow, or let network security perimeter configuration control public network access to the protected resource. Value is optional but if passed in, it must be ‘Enabled’, ‘Disabled’ or ‘SecuredByPerimeter’.
union Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.PublicNetworkAccess
Access mode of the resource association
union Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ResourceAssociationAccessMode
union Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.ResourceIdentityType
Severity of the issue.
union Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.Severity
This field is required to be implemented by the Resource Provider if the service has more than one tier, but is not required on a PUT.
union Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.SkuTier
Type of managed service identity (either system assigned, or none).
union Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.SystemAssignedServiceIdentityType
Standard type definition for Azure Resource Manager Tags property.
It is included in the TrackedResource template definition. The Azure Resource Manager Resource tags.
model Azure.ResourceManager.Foundations.ArmTagsProperty
Name | Type | Description |
tags? | Record<string> | Resource tags. |
Base parameters for a resource.
model Azure.ResourceManager.Foundations.DefaultBaseParameters<Resource>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Resource | The type of the resource. |
Name | Type | Description |
apiVersion | string | The API version to use for this operation. |
subscriptionId | Core.uuid | The ID of the target subscription. The value must be an UUID. |
location | string | The location name. |
resourceGroupName | string | The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. |
resourceUri | string | The fully qualified Azure Resource manager identifier of the resource. |
The static parameters for an extension resource
model Azure.ResourceManager.Foundations.ExtensionBaseParameters
Name | Type | Description |
apiVersion | string | The API version to use for this operation. |
resourceUri | string | The fully qualified Azure Resource manager identifier of the resource. |
Parameter model for listing an extension resource
model Azure.ResourceManager.Foundations.ExtensionScope<Resource>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Resource | The type of the resource. |
Name | Type | Description |
apiVersion | string | The API version to use for this operation. |
resourceUri | string | The fully qualified Azure Resource manager identifier of the resource. |
provider | "Microsoft.ThisWillBeReplaced" |
The static parameters for a location-based resource
model Azure.ResourceManager.Foundations.LocationBaseParameters
Name | Type | Description |
apiVersion | string | The API version to use for this operation. |
subscriptionId | Core.uuid | The ID of the target subscription. The value must be an UUID. |
location | string | The location name. |
Parameter model for listing a resource at the location scope
model Azure.ResourceManager.Foundations.LocationScope<Resource>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Resource | The type of the resource. |
Name | Type | Description |
apiVersion | string | The API version to use for this operation. |
subscriptionId | Core.uuid | The ID of the target subscription. The value must be an UUID. |
location | string | The location name. |
provider | "Microsoft.ThisWillBeReplaced" |
The type used for update operations of the resource.
model Azure.ResourceManager.Foundations.ProxyResourceUpdateModel<Resource, Properties>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Resource | The type of the resource. |
Properties | The type of the properties. |
Name | Type | Description |
properties? | ResourceManager.Foundations.ResourceUpdateModelProperties<Resource, Properties> |
The static parameters for a resource-group based resource
model Azure.ResourceManager.Foundations.ResourceGroupBaseParameters
Name | Type | Description |
apiVersion | string | The API version to use for this operation. |
subscriptionId | Core.uuid | The ID of the target subscription. The value must be an UUID. |
resourceGroupName | string | The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. |
Parameter model for listing a resource at the resource group scope
model Azure.ResourceManager.Foundations.ResourceGroupScope<Resource>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Resource | The type of the resource. |
Name | Type | Description |
apiVersion | string | The API version to use for this operation. |
subscriptionId | Core.uuid | The ID of the target subscription. The value must be an UUID. |
location | string | The location name. |
resourceGroupName | string | The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. |
resourceUri | string | The fully qualified Azure Resource manager identifier of the resource. |
provider | "Microsoft.ThisWillBeReplaced" |
Defines a model type used to create named resource update models
e.g. model MyResourceUpdate is ResourceUpdate<MyResourceProperties> {}
model Azure.ResourceManager.Foundations.ResourceUpdateModel<Resource, Properties>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Resource | The type of the resource. |
Properties | The type of the properties. |
Name | Type | Description |
properties? | ResourceManager.Foundations.ResourceUpdateModelProperties<Resource, Properties> | The resource-specific properties for this resource. |
Defines a properties type used to create named resource update models. This type is not used directly, it is referenced by ResourceUpdateModel.
model Azure.ResourceManager.Foundations.ResourceUpdateModelProperties<Resource, Properties>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Resource | The type of the resource. |
Properties | The type of the properties. |
The static parameters for a subscription based resource
model Azure.ResourceManager.Foundations.SubscriptionBaseParameters
Name | Type | Description |
apiVersion | string | The API version to use for this operation. |
subscriptionId | Core.uuid | The ID of the target subscription. The value must be an UUID. |
Parameter model for listing a resource at the subscription scope
model Azure.ResourceManager.Foundations.SubscriptionScope<Resource>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Resource | The type of the resource. |
Name | Type | Description |
apiVersion | string | The API version to use for this operation. |
subscriptionId | Core.uuid | The ID of the target subscription. The value must be an UUID. |
provider | "Microsoft.ThisWillBeReplaced" |
The type used for updating tags in resources.
model Azure.ResourceManager.Foundations.TagsUpdateModel<Resource>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Resource | The type of the resource. |
Name | Type | Description |
tags? | Record<string> | Resource tags. |
The static parameters for a tenant-based resource
model Azure.ResourceManager.Foundations.TenantBaseParameters
Name | Type | Description |
apiVersion | string | The API version to use for this operation. |
Parameter model for listing a resource at the tenant scope
model Azure.ResourceManager.Foundations.TenantScope<Resource>
Template Parameters
Name | Description |
Resource | The type of the resource. |
Name | Type | Description |
apiVersion | string | The API version to use for this operation. |
provider | "Microsoft.ThisWillBeReplaced" |
Managed service identity (system assigned and/or user assigned identities)
model Azure.ResourceManager.Legacy.ManagedServiceIdentityV4
Name | Type | Description |
principalId? | Core.uuid | The service principal ID of the system assigned identity. This property will only be provided for a system assigned identity. |
tenantId? | Core.uuid | The tenant ID of the system assigned identity. This property will only be provided for a system assigned identity. |
type | ManagedServiceIdentityType | The type of managed identity assigned to this resource. |
userAssignedIdentities? | Record<ResourceManager.CommonTypes.UserAssignedIdentity> | The identities assigned to this resource by the user. |
Model representing the standard ManagedServiceIdentity
envelope property from V4 of common type.
Please note that this is only included for legacy specs with mixed v3 and v4 types, which would cause breaking changes due to the ManagedServiceIdentityType.SystemAndUserAssigned value changes.
Do not use this if you are already on CommonTypes.Version.v4 or beyond.
model Azure.ResourceManager.Legacy.ManagedServiceIdentityV4Property
model Foo is TrackedResource<FooProperties> { ...ResourceNameParameter<Foo>; ...Legacy.ManagedServiceIdentityV4Property;}
Name | Type | Description |
identity? | ManagedServiceIdentityV4 | The managed service identities assigned to this resource. |
Type of managed service identity (where both SystemAssigned and UserAssigned types are allowed).
union Azure.ResourceManager.Legacy.ManagedServiceIdentityType